[texbirds] Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and Goose Island, March 27

  • From: Sean Paul Kelley <spkelley@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: texbirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 21:16:27 -0500

Today my father and I drove to the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and
then to Goose Island, and then headed back to San Antonio via the Bayside
By the end of the day we had eighty-five species of birds. I had a
quadruple triple, which is four trifectas: three tanagers (Summer, Western,
Scarlet), three herons (Great Blue, Little Blue and Tricolored), three
orioles (Bullock’s, Baltimore and Orchard) and buntings (Painted, Indigo
and Lazuli). I had Blue- and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Barn Swallows,
multiple different flycatchers (Great-crested, Acadian, Ash-throated and
Scissor-tailed) and ten different species of warblers (Yellow,
Prothonotary, Orange-crowned, Wilson’s, Nashville, Tennessee,
Black-and-White, Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Magnolia), three different
dove (White-winged, Inca and Mourning), Tern, Sanderlings, Roseate
Spoonbills and Purple Gallinules, Western and Eastern Kingbirds, Northern
Waterthrushes but no South Polar Skuas. I saw American Avocets, Loggerhead
Shrikes, Crested Caracaras, Catbirds and Cardinals, Carolina Chickadees and
Wrens, Great-tailed and Boat-tailed Grackles, Blue Jays, Mockingbirds,
Dickcissels, Red-winged Cowbirds and for good measure Texas’ national bird,
the two dozen Mockingbirds.

In a few of the photos (questionable vireos and flycatchers), here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/seanpaulkelley/sets/72157633351888439/ the
birds are unidentified. If you would like to leave a comment and identify
them for me, I would be grateful.

Sean Paul Kelley
Central Austin

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  • » [texbirds] Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and Goose Island, March 27 - Sean Paul Kelley