[tcb] chuck

  • From: "Brian Denning" <i_am_cool_fred@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 15:18:11 -0600

hey, i have a question for you. on the rocco you have fuel injection that you can adjust by a laptop while driving down the road. so did you develop this your self or what? the reason why i am asking is because my father-in-law recently bought a do-it-yourself kit for fuel injection on his 83 monte carlo ss (it's a cherry of a car). but basically this kit comes with brain, sender, and something else and you have to wire everything yourself. you have to get the injectors and everything. but you can download programs onto your laptop and plug the laptop into the computer on the car and upload various controls for the injection system. he is using his accell throttle body with this new set up. so after discribing this to you the reason why i am asking about it is because i am looking into taking the fuel injection off of like a mustang 4 cylinder or something because it is just like what a pinto would have and doing something like this on the bus for more power, better response, cooler running and better mileage all from the push of a button or from an easily downloaded program found on the internet.

so what kind of system do you have in the rocco and do you think this would work out nicely? keep in mind this would go on the 1641 i plan on building right now and possibly later on either a 1776 stroker or 1914.

i have been getting into this crap alot here lately and am really thinking about it hard for the bus. and besides how cool would it be to have this computer plug under the dash of the 69 and when people ask you say oh it is for the electronic fuel injection.

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