[sparkscoffee] Re: Why People Don't Listen to Reason and Evidence

  • From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "sblumen123@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 16:28:12 -0400

Schmuck, keep it up and end up in the funny farm

That link you posted goes on and on without coming to a point in my humble

There are crazy Jews as there are crazies in every religion and if anyone tried
enough they would find some Jews who is a denier of holocaust gas chambers like
Even if every Jew on the planet believed in concentration camps and gas
chambers does
that prove that it is a lie?

If you are looking for the truth and not just to prove you are right when you
are wrong
then you would respond to details (The devil is in the details, remember?) like
would the 93 year old Accountant know what was being dumped into the room from
which he soon heard screams which died out after a short time. If they were
how hot did they have to be to work? Was he tortured into saying what he said
at his
age? How were they delivered when their fumes were so dangerous to not only
lice but people? The info that is available to all is that they worked too
well when the room was
over 81 degrees. Do you think you are smarter then us on the net and all those
general population, trials, their defense lawyers were so stupid or so fearful
that they were
afraid to point out that there were no gas chambers? The defense was that their
were forced to follow orders and in a few cases mistaken identity. Why did
todays fearless
deniers wait so long to do their denying and did any of them go on trial, let
alone jail to do
their denying?

No response means I am right and you are wrong, Think, think, think.

Stan the scientific man

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Sat, Aug 22, 2015 2:15 pm
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Why People Don't Listen to Reason and Evidence

We live in a world where lies are what bond people together.

For example:

Q. How many Jewish Holocaust deniers are there?

A. None, zero, zip.

This is because the Holocaust story is one of the things that bonds Jews
together. It is a part of their culture. They teach it to young children.

There are reasons for this and it could be genetic. People who bond together as
a group have a survival advantage over others.

Stories and beliefs that defy reason and logic are found in all cults,
religions and political parties because it bonds people together. This is
because if a member has a belief that is not shared by others then they are
rejected by outsiders and are then more dependent on their cult for their
survival, but if they don't share that belief then they are rejected by other
members of their cult.

The problem is that hatred, racism, wars and death are the inevitable result.

The only way to make the world a better place is by making reason the thing
that bonds people together.



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