[sparkscoffee] Re: Why People Don't Listen to Reason and Evidence

  • From: pixiehat <pixiehat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2015 12:36:33 -0700

Can't argue with what you post here Ron.  Of course it doesn't support those
that deny or those that believe. 

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-------- Original message --------
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 08/22/2015 11:15 AM (GMT-08:00)
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Why People Don't Listen to Reason and Evidence

We live in a world where lies are what bond people together.

For example:

Q. How many Jewish Holocaust deniers are there?

A. None, zero, zip.

This is because the Holocaust story is one of the things that bonds Jews
together. It is a part of their culture. They teach it to young children.

There are reasons for this and it could be genetic. People who bond together as
a group have a survival advantage over others.

Stories and beliefs that defy reason and logic are found in all cults,
religions and political parties because it bonds people together. This is
because if a member has a belief that is not shared by others then they are
rejected by outsiders and are then more dependent on their cult for their
survival, but if they don't share that belief then they are rejected by other
members of their cult.

The problem is that hatred, racism, wars and death are the inevitable result.

The only way to make the world a better place is by making reason the thing
that bonds people together.



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