[smee] Hullo there...

  • From: vputz@xxxxxxx (Victor B. Putz)
  • To: smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 10:34:31 -0600

Well, it is darn good to have Ent back, even if my attempts to help him
gain XP by duoing the bloodgill goblins instead netted at least three
deaths for the hapless enchanter.  But good fun.  Got me playing again
for the first time in several weeks.

Some other items of note:

1) Congratulations on our major-select types!  Sadly, as I was forced to
   meet the board with a separation date on file, I shared the same fate
   as the other two huey guys on this base who met the board with
   separation dates and was passed over.  Motivation is at an all-time
   low, but what the heck, all my friends made it, and that's a happy

2) Freelists doesn't allow it, or I would post a screenshot of my
   blue-clad butt hangin' with my lizard homies at the front gates of
   Cabilis *cough*quest exploit*cough*.  Max faction with Legion of
   Cabilis, Crusaders of Greenmist, Cabilis citizens, Cabilis
   merchants.  They plugged the hole in the quest, but it was
   interesting to take advantage of it (I am still KOS to the
   shaman/necro folks, though); just interesting to see how these things
   work sometimes.

3) For more tales of someone who REALLY exploits the system, I direct
   your attentions to the pages of "Fansy the Famous Bard", at the web
   address http://www.notacult.com/fansythefamous.htm ... quite frankly,
   Fansy is too much of a professional ass for me to actually *admire*,
   but I totally respect both his ability to exploit holes in EQ and his
   ability to be deliberately obnoxious.  Makes me glad that we don't
   play on Sullon Zek or any other pvp server, but anyone who can train
   that well at only level 5 deserves at least some respect ("without
   the poetry skills of Robert Frost I can not describe this 25+ 
   giant train in words")... or who used the Priest of Discord and a
   minor bug in charming and assists to wipe out the entire town of

     Kelton says out of character, 'wtf happened here'
     Xebz says out of character, 'KELTON FAST GET OUT'
     Kelton says out of character, 'lol naw'
     Priest of Discord shouts 'Let this fool's meaningless death
       be a reminder to you all that the power of Discord is absolute!'
     Kelton has been slain by Priest of Discord!

   ...definitely at least worth a read, and damn funny at times even if
   the general reaction winds up being "wow, this guy is the most
   cheerful jerk I have ever seen."

4) Still won't be playing much this week, although interest is starting
   to rise again, and I do think I can make L27 by the time we play
   again.  No promises, though.


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