[SKRIVA] Om Stiftelse-filmen

  • From: "ahrvid@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <ahrvid@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: skriva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 17:36:09 +0200 (CEST)

Om projektet att göra film av Asimovs första Stiftelse-bok (i ur-trilogin) 
läser vi på denna site bl a:


Isaac Asimov's Foundation looks set to become a film as the two producers who 
were behind New Line are working on the adaptation of the science fiction 

Foundation is based on Asimov's Foundation trilogy which looks to a society 
that has discovered how to predict the future using a process called 
psychohistory. They create a body to research and protect this method and 
ensure its survival.

Just that short description alone tells you a lot about the story and suggests 
that it's going to be quite anti-establishment and organisation. According to 
the write up in The Hollywood Reporter it is quite politically charged.

The trilogy spans hundreds of years, multiple different characters, and talks 
of the rise and fall of civilisations, so it has always been viewed as a 
difficult project to adapt. However the producers, Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne, 
will attempt the first novel adaptation, and if that proves successful in the 
cinema then they may attempt the further two novels.

They have warned though that this won't be a quick project, and because of the 
complexity they'll spend a good amount of time developing it.

It's not the first time this has been attempted though, Fox has adapted the 
entire trilogy as one script and va
rius names had been attached to the project in the past.

AE: Men här måste föreligga ett missförstånd. Första delen av Stiftelsen är 
ingen roman, utan består av tre - om jag minns rätt - långnoveller. Hela 
trilogin består av nio långnoveller, som under loppet av flera år publicerades 
en och en i Astounding SF på 40-talet. Det var först senare de packeterades som 
en trilogi.
  Kanske hade det varit lämpligast att filmatisera varje långnovell för sig. 
Varje novell blir ju ett integrerat helt. (Och i det sammanhanget kan man 
påminnas om familjen Tolkiens kritik mot Ring-filmerna: det borde ha blivit en 
TV-serie. Stiftelsens nio noveller kunde passa som en TV-serie på nio delar.)
  Vi får se hur det går med projektet. Stiftelse-trilogin har visat sig svår 
att filmatisera. (Och filmen "I Robot" var ingen höjdare. Bara specialeffekter, 
och föga anknytning till novellerna.)


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  • » [SKRIVA] Om Stiftelse-filmen