[SI-LIST] Re: IBIS file data

  • From: "Lynne Green" <lgreen22@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <paycheehow@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 13:40:37 -0700

Hello, Pay Chee,

1) This is done the same way whether done by measurement or by simulation.
With I/O in Input mode, measure "clamp" currents.  With I/O in Output mode,
measure total current, once with Data=1 and once with Data=0.  Pullup and
Pulldown are created by subtracting the Input current from the Total
current.  Power and GND clamp currents are typically separated by assigning
all current for V<0 to the GND Clamp and for V>0 to the Power Clamp.

2) Linear extrapolation is one way to get the endpoints of the table.

Some of this is discussed in the IBIS Cookbook.

- Lynne

"IBIS training when you need it, where you need it."

Dr. Lynne Green
Green Streak Programs

-----Original Message-----
From: si-list-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:si-list-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Pay Chee How
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:29 PM
To: si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Michael.Phoon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [SI-LIST] IBIS file data


I need some advices on the following questions

1. In an IBIS file, at a particular voltage there are 'typical' current, 
'maximum' current and 'minimum'
    current. If I am collecting the data by physical measurement, how do i 
obtain the max and min

2. If a curve tracer is unable to give me the full range of voltage sweep 
that i want(for instance from
    +Vcc to 2Vcc) how can I extrapolate the curve or obtain the missing 


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