[sanesecurity] Re: clamd stability & fetch-sanesecurity-sigs

  • From: "Steve Basford" <steveb_clamav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sanesecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 09:28:08 -0000 (GMT)

> I've not had any crashes since Tuesday, came home from work today to find
> that clamd had crashed sometime between 5:21am and 8:03am when the next
> unofficial sigs update was run. I've looked at the logs and find nothing
to > explain it even with verbose logging on. I've removed the spam.ldb
file and > it's no longer being downloaded so that kind of leaves that


I was wondering how people were getting on with crashes.

If anyone is still getting crashes, please look at the following links and
were possible post to the bugzilla entry:


The last reply from the ClamAV team was a request for using Valgrind:

"Could you try running clamd under valgrind on a test box? It will run much
slower (several minutes just to start up and reload the database), but it
should give an indication to what is wrong.

$ valgrind --trace-chilren=yes --log-file=/tmp/valgrind.log --time-stamp=yes

Then do the same steps that crashed clamd. Even if it doesn't crash attach
valgrind.log if it has any entries about errors."



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