[sanesecurity] Re: clamd crashes, or lack there of

  • From: Bill Maidment <bill.maidment@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sanesecurity@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 08:18:29 +1100

Steve Basford wrote:

Chris wrote:
Since installing 0.95rc1 on the 5th of March I've not had one single
clamd crash whereas before I had several a week with 0.94.2. Something
must have changed somewhere. I'll be installing rc2 this weekend to see
if my luck holds.
That's good news Chris... a couple of other people have found the same, so fingers crossed for the stable version :)



Sad to say, with clamav-0.95RC2 installed, I am getting crashes (about 1 a day). I'd say that clamav-0.95RC1 was less prone to crash, but it still happened every few days.
I am using Fedora 10 64bit with unofficial-clamav-sigs-2.4

clamconf gives:
[root@b090lx22 ~]# clamconf
ClamAV engine version: 0.95rc2
Checking configuration files in /usr/local/etc

Config file: clamd.conf
LogFile = "/var/log/clam-update.log"
LogFileUnlock disabled
LogFileMaxSize = "1048576"
LogTime = "yes"
LogClean disabled
LogVerbose disabled
LogSyslog disabled
LogFacility = "LOG_LOCAL6"
PidFile disabled
TemporaryDirectory = "/tmp"
DatabaseDirectory = "/usr/local/share/clamav"
LocalSocket = "/var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock"
FixStaleSocket = "yes"
TCPSocket disabled
TCPAddr disabled
MaxConnectionQueueLength = "15"
StreamMaxLength = "26214400"
StreamMinPort = "1024"
StreamMaxPort = "2048"
MaxThreads = "10"
ReadTimeout = "120"
CommandReadTimeout = "5"
SendBufTimeout = "500"
MaxQueue = "100"
IdleTimeout = "30"
ExcludePath disabled
MaxDirectoryRecursion = "15"
FollowDirectorySymlinks disabled
FollowFileSymlinks disabled
SelfCheck = "600"
VirusEvent disabled
ExitOnOOM disabled
Foreground disabled
Debug disabled
LeaveTemporaryFiles disabled
User = "defang"
AllowSupplementaryGroups = "yes"
DetectPUA = "yes"
ExcludePUA disabled
IncludePUA disabled
AlgorithmicDetection = "yes"
ScanPE = "yes"
ScanELF = "yes"
DetectBrokenExecutables = "yes"
ScanMail = "yes"
MailFollowURLs disabled
ScanPartialMessages disabled
PhishingSignatures = "yes"
PhishingScanURLs = "yes"
PhishingAlwaysBlockCloak disabled
PhishingAlwaysBlockSSLMismatch disabled
HeuristicScanPrecedence disabled
StructuredDataDetection disabled
StructuredMinCreditCardCount = "3"
StructuredMinSSNCount = "3"
StructuredSSNFormatNormal = "yes"
StructuredSSNFormatStripped disabled
ScanHTML = "yes"
ScanOLE2 = "yes"
ScanPDF disabled
ScanArchive = "yes"
ArchiveBlockEncrypted disabled
MaxScanSize = "104857600"
MaxFileSize = "26214400"
MaxRecursion = "16"
MaxFiles = "10000"
ClamukoScanOnAccess disabled
ClamukoScanOnOpen disabled
ClamukoScanOnClose disabled
ClamukoScanOnExec disabled
ClamukoIncludePath disabled
ClamukoExcludePath disabled
ClamukoMaxFileSize = "5242880"
DevACOnly disabled
DevACDepth disabled

Config file: freshclam.conf
LogFileMaxSize = "1048576"
LogTime disabled
LogVerbose disabled
LogSyslog disabled
LogFacility = "LOG_LOCAL6"
PidFile disabled
DatabaseDirectory = "/usr/local/share/clamav"
Foreground disabled
Debug disabled
AllowSupplementaryGroups disabled
UpdateLogFile = "/var/log/clam-update.log"
DatabaseOwner = "clamav"
Checks = "96"
DNSDatabaseInfo = "current.cvd.clamav.net"
DatabaseMirror = "intranet.elgas.com.au"
MaxAttempts = "3"
ScriptedUpdates disabled
CompressLocalDatabase disabled
HTTPProxyServer disabled
HTTPProxyPort disabled
HTTPProxyUsername disabled
HTTPProxyPassword disabled
HTTPUserAgent disabled
NotifyClamd = "/usr/local/etc/clamd.conf"
OnUpdateExecute disabled
OnErrorExecute disabled
OnOutdatedExecute disabled
LocalIPAddress disabled
ConnectTimeout = "30"
ReceiveTimeout = "30"
SubmitDetectionStats disabled
DetectionStatsCountry disabled
SafeBrowsing = "yes"

clamav-milter.conf not found
[root@b090lx22 ~]#

Bill Maidment
IT Department

PH: +61 (0)2 9927 3234
FAX: +61 (0)2 9925 0454

Elgas Ltd.

Email: bill.maidment@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Website: http://www.elgas.com.au

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