[saint] Re: Better Late than never

  • From: "RINKAJ GOYAL" <rinkajgoyal@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: saint@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 07:57:28 +0530

Rohit is taking a great initiative , I urge everybody to support him , it
could be a turning point for all USIT'ans.
With lots of wishes

On 10/4/06, Rohit Kumar <rohitsz2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Greetings everyone,

So /me is too late to acknowledge the efforts that were put in to make
infox 2006 a success.Without the inputs from USITians, i beleive this
grand success might not have met our hands :-)
what better could happen than USIT bagging the numero uno position.
Thanking each and every USITian, for making infox a memorable event.

So, now that infox is done with, the fun never stops at SAInT.
So we begin with the gnu/linux club(more to follow). We are planning to
impart training to each USIT batch with basic functionalities of any
gnu/linux operating system.So that the ZERO cost technology can be put to
use in much better ways and students have more options/areas to sharpen
their skills. As with any gnu/linux system, 100% software have their source
code in public domain, the extent to which the source code may be modified
and the software be made more useful is limited only by one's understanding
*and* interest in the application.

Done with the basics, lets get straight to how are we suppose to do it?
For starters, we request every class of USIT to make available atmost two
students from each LAB groups their class is divided into. For example, if a
class has 40 students and they are divided into two groups of 20 each, we
need 4 students atmost to take part in this training.
We will deliver the first installment of the training thie friday ie 6th
October at 1400 hrs(we need to confirm availability of the LAB).

As far as the cost goes this training is NOT free...
The students who will be learning from this training *must* share whatever
is learnt to their other classmates w.r.t their lab divisions.So it is
necessary that we get student who have the ability to learn and deliver
knowledge that is learnt.The very reason to choose students w.r.t labs is
that these student may share what they learn accordingly in their labs and
the burden is shared equally by all.

Please give your names asap with numbers etc and submit them in person to
Mr. Shafi, who is lab assiatant for the Software Engg Cell(72 LAB), code
named: COST (Center for Open Source Technology) or email them to
linux.saint@xxxxxxxxx with your batch/course/lab group.

Though there is no deadline for this, but we would like to know and
confirm the  names/seats for the students as early as possible.

Also anyone can get blank dvd's to get their favorite gnu/linux distro
from us.We need volunteers who can write distros on cd/dvd for fellow
USITians.The distros will be delivered on basis of availability of a
time,human resource et al.

that is all..


NAMASTE, i honour the spirit in you which is also in me. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````` http://www.geocities.com/rohitsz2 http://rohitsz.blogspot.com

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small

Rinkaj Goyal
Lecturer, University School of Information Technology
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi(INDIA)

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