[sac-forum] Re: Observing tonight?

  • From: Andrew Goodwin <a.goodwin1@xxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 14:51:13 -0700

Peter Argenziano wrote:
Well... after looking outside and online most of the day, I have decided that the conditions just look too iffy to venture out tonight. The Flatiron and Vekol CSC show the same level of clear skies now as they do tonight, and it's far from clear to the east or west. Couple that with the relative high humidity expected tonight, and it just doesn't look to be worth driving for an hour and a half. The image loops look to have clouds passing this way from the NW. Whether they will be just north of sites like Vekol or Flatiron is hard to gauge. I suppose if I had a backyard observatory it would be an easier decision - just wait until darkness... but given that I'd have to get out of here in about 2 hours the decision is based on current conditions and predictions for tonight. I also thought about Picketpost, since its a shorter drive (for me, not necessarily for you though), but the conditions look even less favorable to the east. Disappointing, yes... I had hoped to get out at least once this week. Merry Christmas to you and Elaine! Peter
Peter, I live in Avondale and I just stepped outside and not a cloud in the sky. Just true blue skies to the west and the White Tanks are showing more than the usual detail. As most on-line maps are up to an hour behind, things do look good from here. I do want to get out.


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