Re: future directions for a unified rumprun

  • From: Antti Kantee <pooka@xxxxxx>
  • To: rumpkernel-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2015 22:39:15 +0000

On 03/03/15 00:54, Antti Kantee wrote:
As step 2, I'll move the contents of the repos so that they'll be
non-overlapping with respect to each other.  So for example -xen will
look like:

Step 2 is done.

It might cause some test fallout, except for Travis builds which I could fix myself. I'm not sure the fallout is worth fixing if we proceed with the Thursday schedule as planned.

I introduced a new top-level build script, Notably, the current syntax is "reverse" of the final intended syntax. It's now:

" <platform-name> <build-rr-args> -- <>"

The intent is to make it:

" <build-rr-args> <platform-name> -- <>"

But the latter wasn't possible without some rototillage due to how the backend scripts are currently shared, so I just let it slip for these few days.

The intent is that slurps in the stuff from{,}.

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