[rollei_list] Re: prove it !

  • From: "dnygr" <dnygr@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 19:05:39 -0500

Regarding all the fuss about Leicas, let me say a few things.

I like Leica lenses because the images they render have a three-dimensonality 
to them.  

This is not to say that lenses of other manufactureres are bad. I simply prefer 
the negatives the Leica renders. I sometimes think that Leica has a different 
aesthetic (than lets say Canon or Nikon)that guides it, but in thinking this, I 
feel I am on thin ice and I'd welcome any discussion any of you might have on 
this point. 

I also like the Leica M for its quiet shutter. This is particularly nice when 
you don't want to draw attention to yourself with the slap of the mirror of a 
SLR. It can mean that you can take photos in a church during a service without 
disrupting the ceremony with the sound of your camera. 

I also like being able to work without having to depend on a battery to operate 
the camera. This is also a reason I like the Rollei TLR and because of the 
quality I get from its lenses, too.

These are some of the reasons I like my Leica M. They are only opinions, my 
opinions. I recognize and respect that others may feel differently.

Best to all of you--Doug Nygren

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Marc James Small <msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date:  Wed, 30 Mar 2005 18:20:31 -0500

>At 12:51 AM 3/31/05 +0200, Fred Fichter wrote:
>>Here is my question : why all this fuss regarding leicas ? Because it=20
>>produces better pictures ? Then please, show me examples of pictures=20
>>that one cannot make with any SLR and a good fast lens...
>That really is not the proper question, Fred.  More properly, the question
>should be about the immense utility of a rangefinder camera over the
>weak-sister abilities of an SLR, the wide-ranging capacity of the Leica
>system (my M6, for instance, can use Leitz accessories made in 1937 without
>a problem), and the capability of the camera:  the Leica camera is reliable
>to a point which Nikon deliberately chose not to match and its lack of
>shutter noise allows great pictures to be shot in really low-light=
> conditions.
>Leica lenses are great lenses but they have only recently come to be at the
>cutting edge.  (The recent 1.4/ and 2/35 lenses, the recent 1.4/50
>Summicron, the somewhat older 1.4/75 Summilux, the recent 2/90 Summicron
>and the 135 APO ASPH Televid all are now industry standards, whle the wider
>lenses (I yawn in boredom!) seem to be at the front rank as well.)  But,
>over the years, Leitz rarely produced world-standard lenses despite their
>hype:  only the Summitar and early Summicron really deserve proper respect
>but this started changing with the NR Summicron, the 2/9cm Summicron, and
>the epic pace-setter of the 1.4/35 Summilux, all in the late 1950's and
>into the early 1960's, followed by the 1963 second version of the Summilux,
>a lens as good as Bertele's 1931 1.5/5cm CZJ Sonnar.  But, to that point,
>the Leica history was based on the production of a grand and most utile
>camera coupled with decent lenses.  Only in the recent years has Leica
>REALLY pushed the limits on lens quality.
>Cha robh b=E0s fir gun ghr=E0s fir!



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