[rollei_list] Re: OT: Enlarger questions

  • From: Marc James Small <msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2006 16:21:41 -0500

I have a Beseler C23 CXII with 2.8/50 and 4/80 APO-Rodagon lenses, and a
Leitz V35 with its 2.8/40 Focotar-II.  This allows me to work in everything
from Minox format to 6cm by 6cm without a lot of trouble, though I never
have managed to score a 127 negative holder for the Beseler.

Darkroom gear is really cheap right now and will probably fall even farther
before the supply is exhausted -- I bought my V35 a decade back for $400
because the local newspaper was going digital and sold off their five V35's
at fire-sale prices.  The items you need are rigidity, flexibility, and
sound optics.  Do not stint on the lenses:  The so-called "Apo" lenses from
Rodenstock and Schneider are not TRUE apochromatic designs but their
performance warrants the increased price -- judicious shopping on eBay will
net you recent used versions for a pittance, and they are worth the wait.
The Nikon enlarging lenses are also well regarded though I setttled on
Rodenstock after using all three and the Rodenstock lenses just fit my
preferences better than did the other tow.

Other interesting MF lenses are some of the later Leitz 90mm Focotars and
the oddball Vivitar 5.6/80, a Rodenstock produce of really good quality.  I
also occasionally use my 2/8cm CZJ Sonnar T when I encounter a really dense

Bear in mind that enlarging bulbs very slowly change their output over
time.  This has little effect on schwarz-weiss enlarging but can be a
problem with either RA-4 (color print) or Ilfochrome work, as you
occasionally have to tweak the color pack to correct for a fading bulb.  I
will replace both of my enlarger bulbs once I get relocated and set my
darkroom up anew, just to be safe.  One other word of warning:  the Leitz
V35 originally came with a bulb which turned out to be of short life and
was expensive to purchase.  The later ones went to a more dependable and
less dear bulb.  There are conversion kits to fit the early enlargers with
the newer bulb, though Leica may no longer have these in stock.


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