[rollei_list] Re: Carl Zeiss issue 23

  • From: "Peter K." <peterk727@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 15:49:09 -0800

You are making assumptions Marc. They "may" or "may not" sell enough to
break even. You would not know this unless you had access to their
financials, which you do not unless you are an insider. So they are
basically getting their name out there on a lens for some reason. Whether
its 1/10 of 1% or 10%, its still money thrown away for no apparent reason.
It's kind of like making a 1984 Volvo in 2006. Why bother. There is only a
small market if any for something like this. And yes, I know you own a 1984
Volvo. Terrible polluter those older vehicles you know. You should buy a new
car to help the earth! Even one with an auto transmission would pollute far
less than an old Volvo.  :-) (note the smiley)

Peter K

On 1/19/06, Marc James Small <msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> At 11:38 AM 1/19/06 -0800, Peter K. wrote:
> >Not foolish at all Marc. As I stated, they are apprently going into a
> >shrinking market with a product that is long past its prime. Manual focus
> >lenses even for professionals on 35mm SLRs, are rarely purchased these
> >days. So Zeiss is the foolish one.    Peter K
> Peter
> Whether Zeiss is being foolish is one thing.  The central point is that
> this is a very minor part of their production -- 1/10 of 1% or maybe 1/100
> of 1% or less -- so the fiscal commitment is quite minor.  They will
> certainly sell enough to break even, and that is all that matters.
> Marc
> msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Peter K

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