[rollei_list] Re: Carl Zeiss issue 23

  • From: Eric Goldstein <egoldste@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 16:38:04 -0500

Marc James Small wrote:

At 07:42 AM 1/19/06 -0500, Bob Shell wrote:

To be honest, if I did a lot of driving in a large city I'd probably want an automatic. But where I live there are few stoplights. Less than ten in the town I live in now, and only one in the whole county I used to live in. Without those damned stoplights everywhere you can really drive.

To be honest, that County has FOUR stoplights.  They are just all at the
same intersection in the center of the County Seat.  (I was the County
Attorney when Bob lived there, though we did not have any dealings in that


And to be completely honest, the notion that manual transmissions are more fuel efficient and environmentally friendly is largely outdated. Modern automatics give virtually the same numbers as the sticks do, and the stick numbers vary more depending upon who's driving and how...

Eric Goldstein --- Rollei List

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