[rollei_list] Re: 135 vs. 135

  • From: CarlosMFreaza <cmfreaza@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 00:33:14 -0300

Elias, while you can use a MF lens for the 35mm format, try to use a
35mm lens for MF, there are lot of adapters to use MF lenses on 35mm
but it's  very difficult, almost impossible to find an adapter to use
a 35mm lens on a MF camera, these facts are telling us something.
MF lenses and 35mm lenses are designed to cover different frame sizes,
BTW MF lenses a bigger area and then you have that a MF lens on 35mm
film uses the central part only, the part with the highest optical
correction and without fall-off, in the other hand a 35mm lens for
35mm film needs to use the entire lens including the surfaces close to
the edges and the edges themselves appearing some residual optical
problems and fall-off, the problems and aberrations could only
increase for a bigger film format.
Using Rollei MF lenses for 35mm you only can obtain excelllent to
superb results with the 24x36mm format.-


2009/11/16  <eroustom@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> A brief discussion arose in the Pure Silver list about 135 film in MF
> cameras (ie my Rolleiflex and Yashica).
> I said I found that my TLRs do a better job on my 135 film than my Canon FD
> lenses. I was asked what I based that on, as
> (apparently) lenses made for 135 cameras resolve more lines than lenses for
> 120 cameras...
> I found some supporting documents online for this, but I still think my
> Rollie makes better 135 negatives than my Canons do.
> Am I imagining the sharpness and contrast improvement? Am I the only
> Rolleikin user who thinks this?
> Even if it's true, I don't really care. I'm fond of the TLR method, and the
> results suit me just fine, but I'm curious.
> If I run a test, do I compare my 80mm Planar with my 100mm FD lens?
> Elias
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