[ringzero] Re: The Unix Haters Handbook

  • From: ed <ed@xxxxxxx>
  • To: ringzero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 18:40:28 +0100

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 19:17:40 -0500
Robert C Wittig <wittig.robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I don't know... I like reading historical stuff about computing, and
> when I first got serious about computing, I went back to 1980's DOS to
> get started, so I would have some background... I still have the old
> Lattice C compiler, and all the early Borland stuff, lying around
> somewhere.

I think most of that can be found on #abandonware on Efnet... Not sure
if that channel still exists.

Most of my early days were spent using Turbo Pascal and Turbo C++. I
never could understand why C++ had such a huge following, the compile
and execution times are way above that of generic pascal. String
functions were a lot easier to work with too.

> When I got into *nix, I did more or less the same thing, and have a
> nice pile of early Linux and BSD distributions lying around, too.
> In my opinion, it was a tremendous learning experience.

Indeed. People who grow up using the telly-tubbies OS are bound to be
missing out on this fun!

It's sad in many ways because there is so much to learn doing things
the historical way. Is it a good thing that distros like Ubuntu are
changing the face of the Linux/GNU desktop? I personally dislike their
'release often' approach to getting things right, so much so that I'm
back with trusty deb stable, maybe one patch per week.. good bandwidth
should not go to waste.

Despite all that is said from people against UNIX-style the interface
benefits are huge. How long can one last without alt-window dragging?

That said, once shell access is given to a box, it's a tough job
keeping the box safe. Is this the same in Windows land (I've never
provided windows shell access)? I expect so.

Perhaps it's just that it's a heck of a lot easier to find a box that's
been compromised when it's running a UNIX variant.

Anyone know if VMS is available on i386, if not, why not!

Regards, Ed                      :: http://www.linuxwarez.co.uk
just another unix person
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out the public to please hollywood" 
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