[ringzero] Re: The Unix Haters Handbook

  • From: Robert C Wittig <wittig.robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ed <ed@xxxxxxx>, ringzero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 19:17:40 -0500

Hello ed,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006, 3:18:37 PM, you wrote:

e> In the words of Godwin "That was old 50 years ago"... ;)


e> Here are some writings from some pest on comp.unix.programming:

e> http://www.xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/freebooks.html

e> On a slightly different note, for a fasinating read, may I suggest
e> "The Cuckoo's Egg - Tracking a spy through the maze of computer
e> espionage": http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1416507787

e> That is a seriously good read. I've avoiding using the computer this
e> hot weekend and that book has successfully helped me achieve that aim.


e> p.s. The 'good' thing about books like that is that the readers can
e> usually address all the problems outlined, and thus we develop an
e> improved system. Who knows, maybe a lot of good has come from it?

I don't know... I like reading historical stuff about computing, and
when I first got serious about computing, I went back to 1980's DOS to
get started, so I would have some background... I still have the old
Lattice C compiler, and all the early Borland stuff, lying around

I did the same with hardware, messing with 8086, 286 and 386 machines,
and got a lot of practice setting up non-PnP boxes.

When I got into *nix, I did more or less the same thing, and have a
nice pile of early Linux and BSD distributions lying around, too.

In my opinion, it was a tremendous learning experience.

-wittig http://www.robertwittig.com/
.       http://robertwittig.net/

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