[racktables-users] Re: support for PostgreSQL?

  • From: Denis Ovsienko <pilot@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:32:38 +0300


> I see the requirements for mysql in the docs and I'm pretty let-down,
> since this seems like a sweet product otherwise.  Are there plans to
> support pgsql as well/instead/etc?  Maybe use of one of the generic
> abstraction layers to allow the backend to be arbitrary?

Well, we had no strong intention to lock with MySQL, so an abstraction
layer was used, it's PDO. That said, MySQL used to be the only DB
around our environment, so much of the SQL in RackTables eventually
appeared to be MySQL'ism. At the moment I'm not even aware in which
areas MySQL and Postgres outperform each other at their current
versions. And it doesn't even matter, because being compatible
means using only the common language/feature subset.

Although the current SQL code isn't far from this common subset, we've
had enough headache debugging the queries against both MySQL-4.x and
MySQL-5.x. The question is: who can and will make the same way again
for Postgres and maintain the compatibility in the future?


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