[racktables-users] Re: New release - 0.19.2

  • From: Alexey Andriyanov <alan-74@xxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:26:21 +0300

Sorry, the correct URL is

24.03.2011 19:24, Alexey Andriyanov wrote:
Hello, RackTables users!

We've just released RackTables 0.19.2.
It mainly consists of hardware compatibility improvements and bugfixes.
The new features are all about hardware-compatibility:

    * JunOS 10 switches 802.1q support
    * NX-OS 5 switches full support

Some minor bugs are fixed, and some interface enhancements developed.

Also, the filesystem layout is different. Despite that base dirs have stayed where they were, now you can separate your local settings and add-ons from the core RackTables code keeping them untouched while upgrading to the next version and switching between them. You can have many virtual hosts (DB instances) using single Racktables code installation. Also, no static content is returned by the http server without proper authentication.


Hopefully, this release will be called a first 'stable' in 0.19.x tree.

RackTables development team.

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