[pure-silver] Re: Adrienne Moumin Art News

  • From: "babaphoto@xxxxxxxx" <babaphoto@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: pure-silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2012 21:30:13 GMT

Mazel-tov on you show!
Sorry, I won't be able to attend your show in New York.  Maybe next year. 
I live on the other side of the map, about an hour from San Francisco.  
San Francisco is famous for its tilt. That's because an above average number of 
nuts and a few fruits seem to gravitate there. (Continental tilt theory).
As for me,  I'm in Davis which is famous for politically correct and large 
numbers of bicycles.
Since I can't come to your show, would you consider buying a book?  Its filled 
by photographs made by the children off farm workers, those are the folks who 
come over the border legally to pick the lettuce and tomatoes for the princely 
sum of $8.00 hour.  Perhaps you may have had some of their product for lunch?
As for the kids, These are smart little kids, alas in Spanish.  I'm a 
former(now retired) argumentative teacher, over paid too.  
So with the help of some other contentious individuals who are aware that a 
majority of my students don't care for school, or English. We pulled together a 
quasi camp which has apparently morphed into a day camp of sorts with sponsor 
ship to cover insurance and free rent
 Every summer for the last 5 years these Wascals would do a book of photographs 
of the world they lived in. I'd provide cameras, film, and lab.  The kids would 
provide the photos and keep the cameras (donated cameras and supplies)
 Surprise, these Wascals are rather smart!  
Several are now in college, no kidding!  
So cough up $10.00 and buy a book already.  Email me for my address.
be well and consternation to your adversaries.

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