Re: iOS Development?

  • From: "Don Marang" <donald.marang@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 21:31:08 -0500

I get your example. However, this may be closer to the Mac / PC differences. Are you saying the PC software market or the Mac software market nearly collapsed?

Don Marang

There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of any real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure that I am working on things that matter.
Dean Kamen

From: "Oriol Gómez" <ogomez.s92@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 4:51 PM
To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: iOS Development?

i agree with you partially, though apple's review guidelines are kidn
fo strict. But hey, this is what's happenign with cydia right now.
Cydia jsut has way too many useless apps it's discouraging. So I guess
apple is doing it right.

On 12/21/10, Kerneels Roos <kerneels@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi guys,

This was a nice discussion. I want to add something to it. As much as
people hate Apple's obsessive control and "Apple's way or the highway"
approach, I think that it is the very thing that keeps them going, and
what will continue to guarantee quality and maintain consumer confidence
in their products.

In the early 1980's the console game industry in North America almost
came to a grinding hault due to a few factors. One major one was the
flooding of the game console market in the late 70's by hundreds of
clones and cheap machines. Since it was fairly easy to program for those
machines (like in little to no licensing controls) many companies sprang
up producing ever increasingly pathetic games, resulting in a total loss
of  consumer confidence.

When Nintendo released their 8 bit NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)
in North America in 1985 they included a lockout chip that made it
fairly hard for hobbyists to copy and program for the NES. Development
houses had to obtain a license from Nintendo in order to produce games
for the NES and a similar model has persisted ever since.

It can be argued that the introduction of the NES basically saved the
console game industry in North America, and key to it's success was
quality games and tight control.

Maybe the openness of the Android platform, the very thing that everyone
loves so much about it, is actually going to work in it's detrament by
flooding the available apps market with tons of useless, virus like, low
quality stuff?

Just some thoughts anyway.


Kerneels Roos
Cell: +27 (0)82 309 1998
Skype: cornelis.roos

"If one has the talent it pushes for utterance and torments one; it will
out; and then one is out with it without questioning. And, look you, there
is nothing in this thing of learning out of books. Here, here and here
(pointing to his ear, his head and his heart) is your school. If everything
is right there, then take your pen and down with it; afterward ask the
opinion of a man who knows his business."

(To a musically talented boy who asked Mozart how one might learn to

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