PPTx - PPT - 6/15 meeting, please respond

  • From: "RazorChain - Jonathan Fleck" <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <pptx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 15:56:32 -0600

Professional Presenters,


Just a friendly reminder that the next Professional Presenters Toastmasters
meeting will be Friday June 15th in Thornton.  I believe we'll be at City
Hall starting promptly at 7 p.m. (Dirk, is this confirmed?)


Tom Hobbs will be TM/MC for the night. Our speakers (please confirm to Tom
and I) are scheduled to be:


David Harrower

Ray Mohr

Elaine Love

Joyce Feustel


Open roles (volunteer now please) are: General Evaluator, Timer, Table
Topics Master, and Technology Guru.


Speakers, please provide Tom with your speech title, time, and any special
requests (projector, room set up). Speakers should also let the club know 1)
target audience characteristics, 2) what your larger program is (speech,
training, seminar). If you will be using other media (website, e-mail, blog,
Twitter) to generate interest in your professional speaking engagements I
think it would be appropriate to share those in advance and invite feedback
while we're all focused on you. All of these are touch points for you as a
paid speaker and all provide context for the club to help you succeed. 


Best regards,




Jonathan Fleck

Founder - RazorChain, Inc.

 <mailto:jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx  ::  720.226.5026
m  ::  @fleckonomics

 <http://www.razorchain.com/> www.razorchain.com 


Other related posts:

  • » PPTx - PPT - 6/15 meeting, please respond - RazorChain - Jonathan Fleck