[powerdot] Feature Request

  • From: ganapathy murali krishnan <gmkrishn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: powerdot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 15:56:50 -0500

Hi all,

I am making my presentation and would love for a fancy version of the theorem and proof environments. Since I do not know enough of ps-tricks, it would take me too long to get it done.

\begin{post-it}{topcolor=red,botcolor=blue,header={My Text}}
Some long contents

Basically it would draw a box like this

| My text                   |
| Some long              |
| contents                 |
|                                 |

The top part of the box will have background color, "topcolor" and bottom part will have background color "botcolor". Aesthetic improvements like
* box with rounded corners,
* box with a shadow are a plus.

I am hoping to use it like this

\begin{post-it}{topcolor=x,botcolor=y, header={Proof.}}

and similarly for mytherem where the header will be something like {Theorem \thetheorem}. I can try doing this using pgf/tikz, except that I dont know how to size the box.

- Murali

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