[pisa] Re: tla shenanigans (for the last time)

  • From: Miika Komu <miika.komu@xxxxxxx>
  • To: pisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 16:15:23 +0100

Diego Biurrun wrote:


Let's start with the trivial: It seems nobody ever bothered to configure
tla to ignore certain files in the hipl tree. On every commit stuff like

  These files would be source but lack inventory ids (`tla add' or a tagline 

  [.. long list of generated files ..]

gets printed. Well, nobody ever cared. It's a minor thing but showcases
the hipl state of disrepair quite well :-/

I just got tired of fixing this at some point of time :/

Now on to the serious stuff...

Every time I commit the tree ends up in a broken state. Committing is
no longer possible, even looking at a diff fails (no wonder nobody ever
checks their own commits):

  (jaunty)biurrun@power:~/src/hipl--userspace $ tla diff -- configure.ac
  * local directory is at 
  corrupt pristine (failed inode signature validation)
      archive: hipl-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      revision: hipl--userspace--2.6--patch-3064
  You should remove this pristine from your tree.

Removing this pristine does not help at all. On the contrary, the tree
ends up in an even more inconsistent state.

I can work around this by blowing away the hipl tree and getting a new
one, but *come on*, how frigging stupid is that...

I have terminally had enough of tla shenanigans.  Everybody's time is
being wasted on a grand scale.  Well, mine no longer is:

I solemnly swear by all that is holy (and some that is not) that I will
not work with tla any longer.  I'm officially on tla strike now.  There,
I said it, cannot take it back.

I suggest everybody else does the same, it will be for the better.

Diego - frustrated for good

Are you working with TLA over NFS? AFAIK, it's destined to fail.

We'll be switching to the bzr archive created by Rene on a short notice. The tla archive will be read only then. Beware!)

Happy New Year!

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