[pchelpers] Re: A little upset

  • From: Tonia <ltonwannabe@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pchelpers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 05:36:38 +0100 (BST)

Hi Nigel
I'm sorry you're upset because you didn't receive a personal Thank You note. 
Like Sueshine said, sometimes we get so many emails in our inbox we just can't 
get to all of them or reply to them individually. After a day or so we just 
forget who we're supposed to response to and so overlook some emails. I'm sure 
whoever or all who receive advice or information are grateful but just 
overwhelmed or have information overload. Then it's easy to forget to write 
back to all who offered help. Also the person may still be sorting out the info 
and trying to follow the instructions given. They may still be struggling with 
the same problem.
Personally I've tried to help sometimes and at times didn't get a response 
either. I don't mind that as long as I feel I've done my part to help and 
whether it was deemed useful or not it's up to the recipient to decide what to 
do with the info. I feel if they didn't say "thank you" it's because they 
forgot or overlooked my email. So I don't worry about it a bit. 
As adults we try to understand another's actions or inactions. No one would 
deliberately want to hurt or upset another, I'm sure.
Sorry to sound like a nagging hag...just want to have my say! :^)

Infocite Services <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I sent an email to someone via here recently that hasn?t been replied to and
also one privately just in case they didn?t get to see it.
I haven?t had a reply to either.

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