[passtartoursgroup] Some things you need to know about DBG events

  • From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:10:23 -0700

We have 4 days left of this long, night after night, freezing cold job.
It's been fun but super exhausting.

I want to make sure everyone is following the directions and rules I have
set for this job, to the TTTTTT.

The RSVP person in charge is the one you check in with and do what they
say. If they say you are not at the Ramada and this night you are actually
at the Top of the Hill, do it.   What ever they say goes. So, let's review
who the RSVP is for the rest of the nights we are at DBG...

Tonight is Dec 27.
I am there, so I am the RSVP.

Dec 28
Howard or Kevin is the RSVP. Why 2 of them? Because they have been very
good at dressing properly, doing what they are supposed to be doing,
showing up on time, being set up and ready at 5:15 per the paperwork I
signed, and doing what I expect of them and what DBG expects of them. So, i
put both of them in charge.

So, for the 28th.
Be set up by 5:15 and at your scope for the first patron to arrive.
If you are eating or drinking, or need a bathroom break, do it before 5:15.
Be there all IN BLACK. your outer most layer HAS TO BE BLACK or dark
colors. No light colored clothing. So, what ever pants you have on, must be
dark or black, what ever jacket needs to be dark or black. If you have a
black hat, you can wear it. Right now, gloves and scarves are not included
in the black, until we have had time to purchase such items, which will be
by the February Meeting of the Minds. Also, your shoes must b e in black
and black sneakers are ok. Dark colors only. Some of my Telescope Team
members have still not followed these directions and will not be asked to
do these jobs next year.

Dec 29
I am in charge

Dec 30
Kevin is in charge

Also, please no smoking, at all while patrons are near your scope, that is
from 5:30 to 9:30. An E-cig is considered smoking. Do not do it.

Be sure you do not leave your scope unattended. Last night, William left
his scope for just a moment to get another eyepiece and people were using
it as if it was their own. He wasn't even gone from the scope for more than
30 seconds and hands were on his scope.

And the other day, MIke had a meteorite broken by a kid. They picked it up,
smashe dit on the table and broke it in half before anything could be done
to prevent it. You need to watch your equipment, and one person can not
watch 2 scopes, even in the Overlook area... It is impossible.

If you need a bathroom break, you will have to work out how to do that and
it think the best way is to stand between the two scopes at the overlook,
and stop people from looking in them while someone takes a break. You can't
stand there and watch your scope, repeating "please do not touch the
telesope" a million times, if you are at the bathroom. Try not to have to
make a trip to the bathroom.

We still can use some helpers. But helpers have to be dressed all in black,
same dress code, no exceptions.

I wish to thank those who assisted so far. Remember, once an hour at 6:30,
7:30, 8:30 check with each scope and make sure they don't need a bathroom
break. That's all we need you for. If i were a volunteer, i'd bring my
laser pointer and point out the constellations to people, between the times
i'm checking in with everyone for the bathroom break.

We are almost done with this event. It's been rough.

If you have to drop from the event, you need to let me know by the day
before, please. I don't want to be without a telescope, since I have to
provide 4 scopes each night.

Thank you all. Most of you have done awesome, met the requirements and we
have had a great event. Only a few of my Telescope Team are not following
the directions that I have specifically stated and that need to be followed
so we get hired back next year.

Event Coordinator

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society <http://www.pasaz.org/> Event Coordinator
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Other related posts:

  • » [passtartoursgroup] Some things you need to know about DBG events - Terri