[pasmembers] Rain - wet ground or will it dry up in time?

  • From: Terri <cosmicstarstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 09:53:42 -0700 (PDT)

If it rains now, in the morning hours, and stops at 3pm,
then goes back up to 80 degrees, it may just
dry up the sidewalks. When we do this type of event,
we've been setting up on the sidewalk with the
Lightbridge and other scopes. 

I'm not talking "US" into or out of doing the outdoor
part of this event, I'm just saying, that it might dry up
enough to still do the outdoor portion, if anyone
wants to do it. 

Plus, the amount of rain would make a difference as well.
If it only drizzles like Ch 3 said it i going to do, then
chances are, the rain won't even keep the sidewalks
wet, thus the event can happen.

Jenny can give us an update on the condition of the sidewalks
closer to dinner time, so we can decide that way.

We do have several RSVP's, for which I haven't gotten
through all my email to put them on the site yet, but
I"m getting there. 

Have a super day. Send me your input.. thanks
and thank you Tim for your ideas. We will consider them.


> From: Tim Jones <timj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: pasmembers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 8:55 AM
>Subject: [pasmembers] Re: Rsvps
>It's raining at PVCC as we drove by just a few minutes ago this morning.  So, 
>even if it clears up, the area outside is going to be a wet mess.  I can't 
>make it tonight (finally settled back in from Vegas), but I'd recommend 
>canceling the exterior part.
>On Apr 26, 2012, at 12:03 AM, Don Boyd wrote:
>Thursday is still looking clear, but we need to watch how much rain there is 
>in the afternoon Accuweather is forecasting a 51% chance of rain from 11am-2pm 
>a 40% chance from2-5 and 30% from 5-8 with 0 % from 8-11pm .35 inches are 
>forecast to fall during the day. I would do this...unless there is a lot of 
>rain Thursday afternoon.
>>On 4/25/2012 11:18 PM, Terri wrote: 
>>Rsvps have some in for Thursday event.
>>>Wather updates r needed.
>>>This email was sent from MY TARDIS via my Android Phone 

Other related posts:

  • » [pasmembers] Rain - wet ground or will it dry up in time? - Terri