Re: distinct on

  • From: "Jonathan Lewis" <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <thomas.kellerer@xxxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 08:59:14 +0100


Thanks for the examples.
It's always interesting to see how many different strategies (or versions 
of syntax) there are to solve the same problem.


Jonathan Lewis

Author: Oracle Core (Apress 2011)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Kellerer" <thomas.kellerer@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: distinct on
| The order by is the one specified for the whole query.
| I have extended the initial example with an additional "sort column" to 
be able to show the effect:
| postgres=> select * from test;
|  a  |  b   | some_order
| ----+------+------------
|  a  | b    |          1
|  a  | bb   |          3
|  a  | bbb  |          2
|  ab | bbb  |          1
|  aa | bbb1 |          3
|  aa | bbb2 |          1
|  aa | bbb3 |          2
| (7 rows)
| postgres=> select distinct on (a) a,b
| postgres-> from test;
|  a  |  b
| ----+------
|  a  | bb
|  aa | bbb3
|  ab | bbb
| (3 rows)
| postgres=> select distinct on (a) a,b
| postgres-> from test
| postgres-> order by a, some_order;
|  a  |  b
| ----+------
|  a  | b
|  aa | bbb2
|  ab | bbb
| (3 rows)
| postgres=> select distinct on (a) a,b
| postgres-> from test
| postgres-> order by a, some_order desc;
|  a  |  b
| ----+------
|  a  | bb
|  aa | bbb1
|  ab | bbb
| (3 rows)
| Postgres requires you to put the column(s) mentioned in the "distinct on" 
clause to be the first ones in the order by clause.
| So this:
|   select distinct on (a) a,b
|   from test
|   order by some_order
| will be rejected. The result must be sorted by the "distinct" column(s) 


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