RE: create package privilige/grant ? What Command?

  • From: "Goulet, Dick" <DGoulet@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <VIVEK_SHARMA@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:39:25 -0500

This looks like it needs a "What are you really trying to do?" response.

If you want your users to create their own procedures, functions, and
packages then they need the "create procedure" system function as in
"grant create procedure to <username>;".  After that they'll need direct
access to any tables that they will be creating procedures, functions,
or packages against, which can get ugly but is doable.  Otherwise it
also sounds like your trying to get a central owner to create a
procedure, function or package & have everyone run it.  For that they
need execute priviledges on the program as in "grant execute on
<procedure, function, package>;".=20

-----Original Message-----
From: VIVEK_SHARMA [mailto:VIVEK_SHARMA@xxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 11:28 AM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: create package privilige/grant ? What Command?

What command is used to give create package privilige/grant to a =3D
particular Oracle user?

NOTE - We need to give only this specific grant to this user as it is =
being used by all & sundry in the Database to prevent any table drops, =
Tried "grant create package to user" without success
Forgive the Basic qs

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