Re: chosing id of max values

  • From: Remigiusz Sokolowski <rems@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Gints Plivna <gints.plivna@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:04:51 +0200

Gints Plivna wrote:
A simple max(start_time) over (partition by channel) won't work?

May be I was too laconic
I have thought about getting only value of rows, of which one particular value is max for the whole group - so I am not interested in rows which have this particular value less than max. "A simple max(start_time) over (partition by channel)" gives me all rows while I need only those which start_time=max(start_time) over (partition by channel). Solutions I have provided gives me exactly what I need, however I try to find more of them, then compare them and choose one... :-)


Remigiusz Sokolowski <rems@xxxxxxxx>
WP/PTI/DIP/ZAB (+04858) 52 15 770
MySQL v04.x,05.x; Oracle v10.x

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