Re: View creation puzzle

  • From: "Tim Gorman" <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: RStorey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:17:26 +0000

Give a name to the expression that represents the first "column" in the view...

SELECT f.fac_code || '-' || u.uoa_code col1, f.FAC_CODE, u.UOA_CKEY
FROM table1 f, table2 u
WHERE u.fac_code = f.fac_code AND f.availability = 'O' AND u.availability = 'O' 
AND ua_ind = 'H';

Hope this helps...

Tim Gorman
consultant => Evergreen Database Technologies, Inc.
postal => PO Box 352151, Westminster CO 80035
email => Tim@xxxxxxxxx
mobile => +1-303-885-4526
fax => +1-303-484-3608
Lost Data? => for info about DUDE...
-----Original Message-----
From: Storey, Robert (DCSO) [mailto:RStorey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 01:58 PM
To: 'oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: View creation puzzle

Aftenoon all. I can't figure out why the following view statement works in 9i 
but is dying in 11g2. I have 13 views for this one user. 12 created correctly 
but the 13th is giving me fits.Using toad, I exported the following view 
definition from my 9i system. I've substituted the table names with dummy 
u.uoa_code, f.FAC_CODE, u.UOA_CKEY FROM table1 f, table2 u WHERE u.fac_code = 
f.fac_code AND f.availability = 'O' AND u.availability = 'O' AND ua_ind = 
'H'when I run this create statement in the script with the other 12 creation 
scripts I get a an error message that highlights the last concatenation symbol 
|| and gives me a ora-00998.I ran the select statement by itself in a sql 
worksheet and I get no data found (the tables are currently empty. But, if I 
add the create view structure to the front of the statement, I then get an 
ORA-00905 missing keyword and it highlights the "create or replace view 
holding_units" section of the query.Then, I added changed ua_ind to include the 
table alias "u" even though its only in the once table. I then reran the create 
statement and got an ora00988 "must name this expression with a column 
alias."Am I just missing something 


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