RE: View Creation script?

  • From: "Dunbar, Norman" <norman.dunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:42:26 +0100

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
>> [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jared Still

>> It has been pointed out to me that I failed to do this in Perl.
>> Now rectified. 

And here's a version I made up using OCCI - which I'm starting to 'play'
with - now that it's working on Linux. This one has a few optionals
added - you pass username, password, databasename, prefix and suffix on
the command line and views are created for that user. 

The view name is prefix + table name + suffix and is checked for maximum

To use call ./CreateViews username password database prefix suffix

The database is "" if using ORACLE_SID.
The prefix is "" if you don't want one.
The suffix is "" if you don't want one, or you can omit it from the
command line.

If prefix and suffix are both 'empty' a previx of 'V_' is used by

Errors go to stderr, output to stdout.

A nice little test of my abilities to use OCCI - thanks for the 'hint'
from the OP.

Here's the 'script' :

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "occi.h"

using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;

using namespace oracle::occi;

// Define a few constant 'codes' for 'ease of use'.

// Exit codes.
const int OK = 0;
const int CANNOT_LOGIN = 1;
const int USAGE = 3;

// Parameter positions.
const int PROGNAME = 0;
const int USERNAME = 1;
const int PASSWORD = 2;
const int DATABASE = 3;
const int PREFIX = 4;
const int SUFFIX = 5;

// Parameter counts
const int MINPARAMS = 4;
const int MAXPARAMS = 6;

// Statement positions 
const int TABLE_NAME = 1;
const int COLUMN_NAME = 1;

// MIscellaneous stuff
const int MAXNAMELENGTH = 30;

// By making these Globals, it makes the TidyUp() function work. I  know
// all about 'not using globals' - but I put that in the same league as
// 'do not ever use GOTO' - so there !
Environment *env;
Connection *conn;
Statement *stmtTables;
Statement *stmtColumns;
ResultSet *rsTables;
ResultSet *rsColumns;

// Clean up anything Oracle-like that may exist. This gets called at the
// very end of processing, or in the event that a fatal exception was
// detected.
void TidyUp()
  if (rsColumns) {

  if (rsTables) {

  if (stmtColumns) {

  if (stmtTables) {

  if (conn) {

  if (env) {

// Display details of any OCCI exceptions that were trapped. This code
// returnes to the caller where the program *may* continue - if at all
// appropriate.
void HandleException(SQLException &e) 
  cout << "SQLException : " << endl;
  cout << "ErrorCode : " << e.getErrorCode() << endl;
  cout << "Message   : " << e.getMessage() << endl;

// It all starts here ....
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int tableCount = 0;
  int errorCount = 0;

  if (argc < MINPARAMS || argc > MAXPARAMS) {
    cerr << endl << endl ;
    cerr << "Usage : " << endl << endl;
    cerr << argv[PROGNAME] << " Username Password DatabaseName Prefix
Suffix" << endl << endl;
    cerr << "Username = the user who's tables you want to create views
over" << endl;
    cerr << "Password = the user's password." << endl;
    cerr << "DatabaseName = the database you wish to connect to." <<
    cerr << "               Use \"\" to pick up ORACLE_SID from the
environment." << endl;
    cerr << "Prefix = used to prefix the table name when creating the
view name." << endl;
    cerr << "         Use \"\" if no prefix is required." << endl;
    cerr << "Suffix = used to suffix the table name when creating the
view name." << endl;
    cerr << "         Use \"\" if no suffix is required." << endl;
    cerr << endl << "NOTE : If neither prefix or suffix are supplied,
the default ";
    cerr << "will be to create a view named 'v_TABLE_NAME'." << endl;
    cerr << endl << endl;
    return USAGE;

  try { // Outer level exception block ...
    env = Environment::createEnvironment();

    try { // to connect to the database
      if (argc == MINPARAMS) // No database passed ...
        conn = env->createConnection(argv[USERNAME], argv[PASSWORD]);
        conn = env->createConnection(argv[USERNAME], argv[PASSWORD],
    } catch (SQLException &e) { // Connection failures
      // Report error, then bale out - we have a real error this time.
    try { // Try to create the two statements ...
      stmtTables = conn->createStatement("Select table_name from
      stmtColumns = conn->createStatement("select column_name from
user_tab_columns "
                                          "where table_name =
    } catch (SQLException &e) { // Statement creation failed.

    try { // Fetch a list of tables and for each, get the column names
      string tableName;
      string viewPrefix = "V_";
      string viewSuffix = "";
      bool isFirstColumn;

      if (argc > MINPARAMS) 
        viewPrefix = argv[PREFIX];

      if (argc == MAXPARAMS)
        viewSuffix = argv[SUFFIX];

      rsTables = stmtTables->executeQuery();
      while(rsTables->next()) {
        isFirstColumn = true;
        tableName = rsTables->getString(TABLE_NAME);

        // Sanity check ...
        if (tableName.length() > (MAXNAMELENGTH - viewPrefix.length() -
viewSuffix.length())) {
          cerr << "Cannot create view named '" << viewPrefix <<
tableName << viewSuffix;
          cerr << " because the name exceeds " << MAXNAMELENGTH << "
characters." << endl;

        cout << "create or replace view " << viewPrefix << tableName <<
viewSuffix << " as" << endl;
        cout << "\tselect" << endl;

        // Bind up the table_name & fetch the columns ...
        stmtColumns->setString(TABLE_NAME, tableName);
        rsColumns = stmtColumns->executeQuery();

        while(rsColumns->next()) {
          cout << "\t\t";

         if (isFirstColumn) {
           isFirstColumn = false;
           cout << " ";
         } else {
           cout << ", ";

         cout << rsColumns->getString(COLUMN_NAME) << endl;

        cout << "\tfrom " << tableName << endl;
        cout << "/" << endl << endl;

    } catch (SQLException &e) { // Statement execution failures.


  } catch (SQLException &e) { // Outer level error handler.

  cerr << endl;
  cerr << "Creation of " << tableCount << " views attempted. " << endl;
  cerr << errorCount << " views failed to create due to name length
restrictions" << endl;
  return OK;


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