RE: "Throttling" a session's IO

  • From: Hemant K Chitale <hkchital@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tanel.poder.003@xxxxxxx, oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 22:44:24 +0800

Now ,  *that* is thinking "beyond the box".
   a. Something in Oracle  (10046)
   b.  Something else -- the script / job identifying it's own tracefilename
   c. Something on FileSystem (the trace file)
   d.  A named pipe
   e. A sleep interval
   f. A programming language other then the Bourne shell !

All very doable.  But would be difficult to explain !
It is easier to say "I rewrote the SQL query and reduced the scope of the date-range in the query" then to say a. b. c. d. e. f when explaining the solution to User Management. !


At 12:02 AM Wednesday, Tanel Poder wrote:

> How do you control a session's IO rate ?

Create a pipe instead of the while which would be created if you enabled

Then start a script which periodically reads bunch of rows from tracefile
pipe and just discards them.

Hemant K Chitale


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