RE: Sequence Skipping

  • From: "Kenneth Naim" <kennethnaim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <Scott.Graves@xxxxxxxxx>, <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 16:33:02 -0400

That part I was aware of but the cache is only 50. If I lost 50 per day it's
not an issue. I read a reply on asktom indicating that it is expected
behavior of the statement with the update. Even rows that do not get updated
will waste a sequence value. I've increased my column definition to
number(16) from number(8) which gives me about 48 years to solve this issue
. With that said I am going try to join the two tables so the inner result
set only returns the rows to be updated. Assuming this performs well, it
should mitigate my problem. If not I'll convert it to bulk collect/forall




-----Original Message-----
From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Scott Graves
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 3:52 PM
To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Sequence Skipping


When the sequence is flushed from the SGA, the unused numbers in the cache
are burnt. 


Set your sequences to nocache and that behavior goes away.


-----Original Message-----

From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Kenneth Naim

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:32 PM

To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Sequence Skipping


I use the following two merge statements to load data into a dimension table
nightly. Every night the process runs the sequence (seq_procedure_key) gets
incremented by approximetly 57,000 values even though only 4-37 rows are
added. There are about 57,000 in the procedures table, Millions  in the
medical_bill_detail tables and 17k in the cpt table. It seems one of the two
merge statements is wasting 1 sequence value for every row that does not get
inserted. I've tried searching metalink for bugs and so far have come up
empty. I am experiencing this in prod environment and an
test environment. If this is expected behavior, any known workarounds. I
don't mind losing some values but 57k per day is too many. The load failed
as the column related to the sequence was defined as number(8) and the
sequence was into the 9th digit. BTW the cache on the sequence is 50.



merge  into procedures a using 

              (select nvl(replace(cpt_code,' '),'None') cpt_code, cpt_descr

               from    cpt 

               where   cpt_code is not null) b

        on  (a.cpt_code=b.cpt_code)

        when matched 

        then update 

             set    a.procedure_name=b.cpt_descr

             where  nvl(procedure_name,'~')<>nvl(b.cpt_descr,'~')

             and    cpt_descr is not null    

        when not matched

        then insert (procedure_key, cpt_code, procedure_name)

             values (seq_procedure_key.nextval, b.cpt_code, b.cpt_descr);



    pkg_etl.p_end_process(v_process_id, v_number_of_records, null, false);


    pkg_etl.p_start_process(v_process_type_id, load_id_in, null, null, null,


        merge  into procedures a using 

              (select distinct replace(cpt_code,' ')

                      cpt_code, null cpt_descr

               from wcis_dba.medical_bill_detail

               where cpt_code is not null) b

        on  (a.cpt_code=b.cpt_code)

        when not matched

        then insert (procedure_key, cpt_code, procedure_name)

             values (seq_procedure_key.nextval, b.cpt_code, b.cpt_descr);








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