Re: Oracle Apps and IP renumbering

  • From: Andy Rivenes <arivenes@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: jkstill@xxxxxxxxx, Oracle-L Freelists <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 17:00:25 -0800

If it's an NCA system then I believe that most URLs and hostnames are in 
the System Profile options, but it's been a long time. You will probably 
need to make sure there are no IP addresses there. As I recall, there are 
also lots of files in the file system as well, but I'm pretty sure they 
will all be hostname based. If it's not an NCA system then I don't believe 
there will be any issues. If nobody else has a better answer, I can dig 
around and look for a more definitive process if it's an NCA system.

At 04:18 PM 1/4/2005, Jared Still wrote:
>Dear List,
>Assuming that all  database locations are resolved via server
>name and not IP number, are there any other factors that might
>affect Oracle Apps 10.7 in the event that the server is assigned
>a new IP address?
>We are renumbering everything here (thank you Sprint!) and the
>Oracle HR server is one of the last to go.
>Jared Still
>Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

Andy Rivenes
Email: arivenes@xxxxxxxx


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