RE: OT: Bonusquestion - is the CBO a He, a She, an It, or a hermaphrodite

  • From: "Billy Verreynne (JW)" <VerreyB@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 15:11:43 +0200

rjamya wrote:

> CBO part is drfinitely a _she_. We don't know how exactly
> it works, some sketchy details appear and a whole lot of
> _guys_ claim to know how CBO works, and the internals
> and varied experience.
> Yup, a definite _she_.

Good argument.. but lacking a SVIF. A Single Very Important Fact.

So, definitely *not* a she.

I have it on confidential informnation that the CBO is the result from
reverse engineering alien choas prediction technology at Groom Lake..
Of course, with a few missing software components and uncertainty if
the technology is in fact applicable to our universe in the first
place. But apperantly events in the last decade has strenghten the
machine's prediction from the 70's that Michael Jackson is the world's
most famous "dirty old white man", causing Larry to throw a few
million (and some free RAC licenses) the Pentagon's way to obtain the
core of this technology for the CBO.

But it is not the CBO that concerns me. No! I fear new year's eve,
4000. At exactly midnight 100's of 1000's of Oracle instances
globally, will submit all broken DBMS jobs for execution. Initial
calculation shows that the computing power require to deal with the
resulting choas will cause a serious rift in the time-space continuum.
We could well fold local space and have our solar system winding up in
the Vogan sector.

We urgently need Oracle to release a patchset asap to prevent this
from happening in 3000 years time.

Er.. have to go now. The dudes with the white jakets are here with my
candy. Not that the pills really taste or look like candy... but they
insist it is.. oh well...


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