Re: New architecture using Clusterware

  • From: Svetoslav Gyurov <softice@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracledba.williams@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 00:03:03 +0200

Hi Dennis,

Same here, we are using HP ServiceGuard to protect most of our
customers databases, running in Active/Passive clusters. In general
you could have Clusterware (Grid Infrastructure) installed on all the
nodes without additional license as long as you run oracle products on
top or if you bought at least Basic OEL support which allows you to
use Clusterware for 3rd party product.

Still some software must take care of failing over the database in
case of disaster. If it's not a RAC you could use RAC One Node - no
other option for automatic failover. RAC One Node is great feature and
its great replacement of 3rd party clusters, except one thing - the
license, RAC One Node is an options to the EE and it's only available
to EE. The license states that if you are not failing over to other
nodes in the cluster for a specific amount of time in a calendar year,
you are not obligated to license the rest of the nodes.

We've had a project where SE had to be run in High Environment on
Windows without any type of cluster software. The only solution I
found and implemented was to install GI on both nodes, install DB
software on both nodes, create database on first node, replicate
configuration to second node and finally run the database itself only
on one of the nodes. The windows service was manual and one had to
make sure it's stopped on other node, before run it on the current
node. There are several papers on the Internet where you could see how
to protect 3rd party products with Clusterware and your custom


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