N/A local indexes in 11g?

  • From: Dba DBA <oracledbaquestions@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 14:05:30 -0400
I am not using interval partitions. I have a maxvalue partition and do a
split. I can't use intervals. Oracle only allows up to 1 million partitions
from the root partition. I partition by hour with either 16-32 hash
sub-partitions. So I will run out of allowable partitions in either 3.5
years or 7 years. The odds of someone remembering to rebuild the table is
pretty low. This was tested.

The above is just background in case people tell me the solution in

I have a job that runs hourly that splits the maxvalue partitions. All 4 of
my partition tables have 1 local index. I have noticed that when I split
the tables with a hash sub-partition they go to N/A status, so I need to
rebuild them, when I split indexes on tables that do not have
sub-partitions .

I have tried using the 'update global indexes'. This does not seem to work
on the local indexes. Is there an 'update local indexes' clause?

What is interesting is that when I do a split, there is no data in the
maxvalue partition.

I can always add 'rebuild online'. Ill have to check if I have to rebuild
each hash sub-partition.


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  • » N/A local indexes in 11g? - Dba DBA