Re: Grep Help

  • From: "Radoulov, Dimitre" <cichomitiko@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <post.ethan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 10:44:58 +0200

cat f

$Log: Blah

grep "\$Log: .*\$" f

$Log: Blah

I am actually looking for a line which has Dollar Log Colon ...any
characters...dollar...any characters...but this still returns the line, even
thought it is missing the last dollar.

To search for a dollar sigh ($) with grep (when you use double quotes) you have to use \\ (double backslash).
It's necessary in order to force the shell to pass a \$ (single backslash, dollar sign) to the grep command. The \ (single backslash) character tells the grep command to treat the following character (in this example the $) as a literal character rather than an expression character.

So you can use:

grep "\$Log:.*\\$" f

or single quotes (they protect your regular expression from the shell):

grep '$Log:.*\$' f



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