GETS, PINS and RELOADS in v$librarycache.

  • From: "Tony Adolph" <t_adolph@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 10:44:25 +0200

Hi all,

I am trying to understand GETS, PINS and RELOADS in v$librarycache.

I have been reading the oracle documentation and am still not 100%.  I read
an AskTom thread and at the end was just as unsure as at the start.  He 
seemed to
just repeat the oracle definition rather than actually explain the 

SQL AREA        4164     3964  13839    13487       14
TABLE/PROCEDURE 5762     4826   3218     1804        0
BODY              21       15     20       13        0
TRIGGER            7        2      7        2        0
INDEX             32        0     32        0        0
(reads ok in courier)

GETS:  the number of times there was a lookup for the definition
of an object, eg. a table definition lookup.
GETHITS:  sum(It was there).

PINS:  the number of times that a query already existed in cache and
will now be executed, eg. an sql statement and its parse plan lookup
and execution.
PINHITS: sum(It was there).

RELOADS:  a found execution plan referenced an object whose cached
definition has been invalidated so must be reloaded.

Is this close to the mark?

Please reply in non-strainght-of-the-manual terms please as they aren't 
sinking in!


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