Fwd: Fwd: Steven Feuerstein "Make the Most of the Best of PL/SQL- Best Practices" Seminar & Webinar - March 12-13, 2013

  • From: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ORACLE-L <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 21:13:59 -0700

Since I'm not compensated in any way by this, I thought it would be 
valuable to forward a nice opportunity to learn from the best via 
webinar, at work or from home while wearing pajamas, eating bon-bons, 
and sipping mimosas, no matter where you are in the world.
Or, if you're near Minneapolis, hey yeah you betcha, you can fight 
through the snow to get to the venue, you know?  Oh yeah, you betcha, 
eh?  :-)


*Steven Feuerstein is considered the world's leading Oracle PL/SQL expert.*

*Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the Best!*

*Speak-Tech is Proud to Present Steven Feuerstein's Newest Two-Day 
Seminar & Webinar:*

*"Make the Most of the Best of PL/SQL- Best Practices"*

*Tuesday & Wednesday, March 12 & 13, 2013 (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)*


/Steven received the first-ever ODTUG Lifetime Achievement Award. 
"Steven has been infinitely active with his peers in the PL/SQL 
community",  said ODTUG President Mike Riley. "He receives rave reviews 
for his presentations....it's only fitting that ...ODTUG honor him with 
a Lifetime Achievement Award that recognizes his many years of 
contributions and steadfast service to the ODTUG community"./

The seminar will be held at Benchmark Learning 
Minneapolis, MN (60 seats). The webinar will be a live Blackboard 
<http://www.blackboard.com/platforms/collaborate/overview.aspx> of the 
seminar (25 attendees).

The webinar's audio will be VoIP (no dial-in).  You will see and hear 
Steven present the same screens seminar attendees are viewing, from the 
convenience of your home or officeand save time and money.


*Cost:  $600 */(Discounts apply for multiple attendees. Please call or 


*This value price includes:*             A free print or eBook copy of 
Steven's seminal work,   "/Oracle PL/SQL Programming - 5th Edition/", and

All seminar & webinar attendees will have free unlimited playback of the 
webinar for 30 days.

Webinar: Click here <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4087646260> to register

Seminar: Click here 
to register

Oracle has been packing the PL/SQL language full of features for years. 
This leaves programmers with two big challenges: first, being aware of 
the most important of these features. Second, figuring out how to best 
apply these features so the result is code which is easy to read, 
maintain and enhance.

Making the Most of the Best of PL/SQL starts off with a review of the 
most critical features of the PL/SQL language, including features added 
in 11g: if you are not using these features, you simply cannot be 
writing optimal applications in PL/SQL. From there, we will focus 
exclusively on best practices: techniques for deploying key features, 
plus many ideas about how to improve the maintainability of your code.

*Topics covered include:*

  * Techniques to avoid hard-coding in all its forms
  * Best practices for writing SQL in PL/SQL
  * Leveraging key package features, from overloading to
    session-persistent data
  * Error management best practices
  * Application tracing and testing

To help students absorb the material most effectively, Steven will 
demonstrate all techniques with code samples (available for download) 
and test students with quizzes throughout the webinar.


*Question:            "I took "High Performance PL/SQL & 11g PL/SQL New 
Features" last March.  Is there two-days-worth of new material?"*

Answer: "We will kick off the training with approximately an hour of 
review of critical features of the PL/SQL language. From that point, the 
focus will be on how to best /apply/ those features and other aspects of 
the language in order to produce high-quality, highly maintainable code. 
So, yes, the vast majority of the coursework is new material, 
complementing what you learned in the earlier class."


*Question:            "I did not take "High Performance PL/SQL & 11g 
PL/SQL New Features" last March.  Will I be completely lost?"*

Answer:               "Not at all. We will start the course with a quick 
review of key features and the role they play. That will be sufficient 
to set the stage for the rest of this class."

Webinar: Click here <http://www.eventbrite.com/event/4087646260> to 
register /(And to check how many of the 25 webinar seats are remaining)/

Seminar: Click here 
to register


*Who and What is Speak-Tech?*

With 20 years of experience as an Oracle DBA in Minneapolis, MN, John 
Goodhue is passionate about anything Oracle.  He started Speak-Tech 8 
years ago to increase the availability of high-quality expert Oracle 
training at an affordable price and, without any competing ulterior 
motives -- just expert Oracle training!  John has organized more than 80 
seminars featuring the world's leading Oracle experts.  John served as 
an Officer of the Twin Cities OUG for 10 years including 2 years as 
President, and is still a working DBA.

*Other Oracle Expert Seminars Speak-Tech has organized include:*

Jonathan Lewis, considered the world's leading expert in Oracle 
Performance Tuning, plusTom Kyte, Cary Millsap, Tim Gorman, Gaja Krishna 
Vaidyanatha, David Kurtz, Mike Swing and Matt Hart, all leading experts 
in their Oracle specialties.


*Cancellation Policy*:

A full refund will be provided if you cancel via email or phone by 5:00 
pm CDT seven days before the seminar. Full credit toward a future 
seminar of your choosing will be provided if you cancel via email or 
phone by 5:00 pm CDT the day before the scheduled seminar.

Substitutions can be made at no charge at any time.  If Speak-Tech 
cancels a seminar, you will immediately receive a full refund.

John Goodhue

Speak-Tech Seminars

John.Goodhue@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:John.Goodhue@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Cell 612 203-6503



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  • » Fwd: Fwd: Steven Feuerstein "Make the Most of the Best of PL/SQL- Best Practices" Seminar & Webinar - March 12-13, 2013 - Tim Gorman