Re: Formula for number of DB Listeners on server

  • From: Woody McKay <woody.mckay@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:01:45 -0400

Good thought Tim. They had two reservations to VM's:

1. A MS Windows license for each VM.
2. They've had trouble in the past with Oracle support having to prove that
DB problems were not the result of the VM before their SR would get

Also, this group (part of our company) will be the host. They are moving
from customer hosted to central hosting.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Q: Why isn't the hosting team and vendor proposing a VM cluster to run
VMs on a template of one database instance and listener per VM instead?

A: Because then you wouldn't need as much hardware, and it would be too
easy to manage, and it would be more highly available, all of which results
in lower M2V (a.k.a. money to vendor) and M2H (a.k.a. money to host).

On 10/13/15 8:58, Woody McKay wrote:


Is there a formula for figuring out how many DB Listeners there should be
on a physical server?

I'm part of a new team working on a new production setup for hosting. We
currently have 40 SIDs per server with one listener. Occasionally, the
listener appears to be unresponsive and the hosting team will bounce it
breaking all connections for all SIDs on the box. So, the current
configuration is not optimal.

The hosting team is working with a vendor and is proposing a server with
cpu, ram, storage that will handle upwards of 120+ SIDs. Obviously, each
SID has a different workload and number of connections based on the size of
the customer.

Any thoughts or best practices for determining the number of DB listeners?

Thanks for all wonderful sharing this group does.






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