Re: Export with Query Parameter

  • From: Sunil Bhola <oraclebhola@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Michael.Fleck@xxxxxx, oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 06:38:34 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Michael,
As the query option is having different format in Unix and Windows so it is 
always better to create a .par file and use this in your export command, as 
when you create a .par file you dont need to bother about the Quotes ("), put 
the query option in below format :-
query="where sal<2000"
and then in your export command use :-
exp sunil/sunil@sunil buffers=100000 parfile=<<filename>>
Hope that would help you :-
Sunil Bhola
oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi list members,

I have a problem concerning the export utility with the query parameter
in an Windows 2000 environment.

We have a 50-million rows table in our production environment and want
to export a subset of rows to another instance using export with the
query parameter.

Our export-command file looks like this:
exp system@oraprod file=G:\exp_tab_oraprod_G960.dmp
log=G:\exp_tab_oraprod_G960.log statistics=none indexes=N
tables=G960DB1.G500MONATSLAUF_T QUERY=\"WHERE LAUFMONAT >'01.05.2005'\"

When running a SELECT COUNT(*) query with this WHERE-clause, the system
returns about 1.000.000 rows. 
The export runs without a syntax error, but it always exports the whole
table. I've tried some other possibilities like QUERY="""WHERE LAUFMONAT
>'01.05.2005'""", but this also doesn't work.

Best regards
Michael Fleck 

LVR InfoKom


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Sunil Bhola
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