Re: Database Owner Question (O/S)

  • From: Niall Litchfield <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Scott Canaan <srcdco@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 14:21:50 +0100

It is indeed both possible and supported . I'd be
interested however in the answers to

- How is it that the O/S team decide which accounts run databases?
- What is the underlying reason?
- What is your storage for databases and who owns that?
- How many databases do you have per server?
- Who will manage the databases?

Separation of duties can indeed be a real business requirement - often
though it is pushed on teams that in fact don't separate duties so you get

dba = dba1
osowner = db1
inventory = oinstall
asm = asmadmin

dba = dba2
osowner = db2
inventory = oinstall
asm = asmadmin

and then you get every single actual dba account (scott/niall etc etc)
being a member of dba1,dba2,db1,db2,oinstall,asmadmin :)

As Joe points out you also need at least 2xn sets of ORACLE_HOME storage
where n is the number of databases.

On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Scott Canaan <srcdco@xxxxxxx> wrote:

We always install Oracle and create the databases under the O/S user
oracle in Linux. Our SA has decided that each database should be running
under its own user, not oracle. Apparently, this is possible. My
questions are: Is anyone doing this? Is it even supported? It seems to me
that it would be a nightmare keeping track of the different users that each
database is running under.

Scott Canaan ’88 (srcdco@xxxxxxx)

(585) 475-7886 – work (585) 339-8659 – cell

“Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put into
it.” – Tom Lehrer

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

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