RE: DBA Humor (Twisted, sick sort of stuff...)

  • From: "Keith Moore" <kmoore@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Christopher.Taylor2@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 20:56:13 -0500

On a related note, I had a purchased OLTP app where the most common query did
3 GB of logical reads per execution. The kicker is that the entire database
was only about 1 GB. The whole thing sat in memory and the user processes just
churned away.

It was going to grow much larger over time (greater than the amount of RAM).
Luckily I wasn't around when that day came. :-)


> yes processing lots of data several times a day as they re-test.
> Just humorous when your redo generated surpasses the actual application data.
> Chris


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