Re: migration from 32 bit to 64 bit problem

  • From: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ORACLE-L (E-mail)" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 16:17:12 -0700


It looks like my "parm.sql" script and I did write that, but I'm sure it is
one those queries that many people have written independently of one another
and at various times over the past 10-15 years or so.  My intention was an
enhanced SHOW PARAMETER command.

It and its partners (i.e. "nondefparm.sql" displays parms set to non-default
values and "unparm.sql" displays undocumented [underscore and event] parms
that have been set) reside online at "";...



on 11/19/04 3:33 PM, Terry Sutton at terrysutton@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Check your underscore init params.  Jonathan Lewis has counted 22
> optimizer-related init params which have changed whose defaults have changed
> from FALSE to TRUE in 9i.  It's possible that your 32-bit DB had one of
> these changed to FALSE, and the 64-bit is TRUE.  Or something like that.
> You say your init.ora is the same, but it wouldn't hurt to look at the
> parameters in the DB themselves.
> As sys:
> col parameter   format a50 heading "Instance Parameter and Value"
> word_wrapped
> col description format a20 heading "Description" word_wrapped
> col dflt        format a5  heading "Dflt?" word_wrapped
> select  rpad(i.ksppinm, 35) || ' = ' || v.ksppstvl parameter,
>       i.ksppdesc description,
>       v.ksppstdf dflt
> from    x$ksppi         i,
>       x$ksppcv        v
> where   v.indx = i.indx
> and     v.inst_id = i.inst_id
> and     i.ksppinm like '&name%'
> order by i.ksppinm
> /
> --Terry
> full disclosure-- I believe the query above originated with Tim Gorman.


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