Re: 3 par recovery manager for Oracle (HP Product)

  • From: Maureen English <maureen.english@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracledbaquestions@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2014 14:42:23 -0900

We've purchased this already and one of our SAs has been doing some testing
with it.

We currently do cold backups of our databases, using snapshots (EVA).  3PAR is
supposed to be better and faster...and it requires RMAN.  It also requires an
additional database server with all of your Oracle binaries installed on it,
including grid if you're using it, and that server is where the snapshots will

From what I understand, the 3PAR solution is the best of both worlds, though, 
don't need to shut down your database to take the snapshot, and the snapshot is
much faster than an RMAN backup.  Be aware, though, that if you're using ASM, 
snapshots are of the entire diskgroup...not just the files for a particular 
if that diskgroup is shared by multiple databases.  Recovery is also of the 

I wish I had more to offer, but we haven't yet implemented this.  It's high on 
to do list, but other projects keep popping up.  3PAR consultants are very 

- Maureen

Dba DBA wrote:
Some SAs are talking to us about using this instead of doing standard RMAN backups. This is a large data center environment with 1000s of DBs. I really don't know anything about it other than the marketing I just googled. We have alot of RAC, data guard, DBs can get to be many terabytes, etc... anyone use this? Does it do anything useful? I can't tell much from the marketing.!tab=features


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