RE: Patch + CPU 24

  • From: "Allen, Brandon" <Brandon.Allen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ChrisDavid.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ChrisDavid.Taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 13:52:37 -0700

I don't see how you made the jump from a poorly performing query to looking for 
a bug with latches.  It sounds like you're just getting a different execution 
plan either due to a change in optimizer behavior, or maybe just from the usual 
problem of peeking at a different set of bind variables?  Have you done a 
comparison of the explain plans for the query before and after the patch?  You 
should have the old explain plans still available in AWR, or in statspack if 
you were running those snapshots instead of AWR at level 6 or greater.

I'm not clear on why you dropped the indexes either - are you sure those aren't 
being used by any other queries?  It's possible that by dropping those indexes, 
you just caused the query to be reloaded with a new set of bind variables that 
caused the optimizer to select a better plan - that is assuming that the query 
uses bind variables - can you confirm?

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